Brixton People's Kitchen turns 10 this month and we need your help.
Please Donate
Our sister charity Be Enriched Elements turns 5 and Brixton People's Kitchen 10 this month. That's a total of 15 years of community work in Lambeth, Southwark, and Wandsworth.
Happy Birthday to us!
Over the past 15 years, we've worked to bring people together over a delicious meal, curating opportunities for people to cook, share and learn from each other.
Now more than ever, after a pandemic and as we head into winter, our services are needed.
We need your support!
Brixton People's Kitchen is moving forward with our new permanent home for the community shop and cafe, while Be Enriched is launching The London Food Bus. Both projects bring affordable, healthy food to areas where access and affordability are an issue, as well as provide training and developmental experiences for people excluded due to age, physical disability or learning ability.

Over 400 people a week benefit from these projects.
To help us keep on supporting and empowering communities we are asking for £5, £10 or £15 for every year we have been working to connect our local communities with food and with each other.
£5 provides a three course meal for 1 person.
£10 provides a weekly shop for a person.
£15 will help us feed an adult and a child, who may struggle otherwise to access a healthy meal.