What is the Staunch book prize?
The Staunch Book Prize was created in 2018 by writer and then-BAFTA voting member, Bridget Lawless, in response to the constant use of violence against women and girls in the thriller genre,
and popular culture as a whole. In particular, rape, abduction, stalking, sexual exploitation and murder are repeatedly exploited. Due to the pandemic, it was at risk of ending, until Be Enriched
agreed to partner with the prize and keep it going.
This unique international literary competition is running again this year and is open to authors or writers whose stories do not contain graphic and gratuitous violence against women.
Bridget Lawless - Violence against women and girls is a huge and devastating issue all over the world, with women being murdered every day and reporting, prosecuting and conviction rates for rape and assault at an all-time low. We feel that everything possible needs to be done to help this issue be taken seriously. The Staunch Book Prize is the only force currently challenging a culture in which the brutalisation of women is consistently treated as casual entertainment, to be monetised, trivialised and normalised. We are calling on others to help us increase our impact today. We are grateful to Kemi, Be Enriched and Brixton People's Kitchen for their support.
The Staunch Book Prize is entirely run voluntarily and all money raised will cover the administration
of the prize. Donate here.

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The Staunch Book Prize